Monday, May 18, 2009

IT'S ME!!!!

Gothic Hero:

My name is Khalid Kennedy. I have a Afro, my nickname to many people is Afro man. My Favorite sports are football and soccer. I live on music my favorite genres are rock and R&B. Im a very laid back person but can be very hyperactive and silly. My one weakness is music it is my addiction. I would say I'm a gothic hero because most people don't know who I really am. I believe that my differences is what pushes me "in the dark" or away from others. My mask is what I feel keeps me protected from the worst in some situations or people.

Where am I going?

My quest is one of vengence. I want to prove to the people that believe that you are where you come from wrong. I intend on going to a great college and becoming the most succsessful African american in history. This will prove that just because you started in a bad place you must live in one the rest of your life. It will be an inspiration to all those in a bad situation.

My Mentor

My mentor would have to my dad. He has guided me in the right direction for as long as I can remember. When I feel weak he always has a word of wisdom to help me pick myself up and get back on the right path. Although somtimes the help he has given wasnt accepted gladly at first, it always seems that it sticks until i find myself in a situation and need it. One example would have to be my situation right now, Im a very bright person but im extremely lazy sometimes. So my dad gave me a real life situation that could happen, and he asked me what i thought about how it sounded. I responded it sounded pretty bad then he told me it was the situation he found himself in right before college. This opened my eyes so much so that even now before I decide not to do my homework his words replay clearly in my head.

Why am I in my way?

The threshold guardian to my life is myself. This is because the part of me that wants to lazy and do nothing all day is a constant obstacle in my life. I have always been a very bright person and good grades come easy most of the time. The only thing that makes getting good grades in school is the lazy side of me. It is like my fifth grade year when I did my work had straight A's but when I felt lazy I would fail without the possibility to pass that six weeks.


The shadow in a persons life is the physical or mental villain that tries to stop the hero from prevailing. The shadow I deal with on a daily basis is my attachment to things that are harmful to my succes. These shadows are the temptations of women, the always present curiosity of the use of drugs and alcohol, or even the want and almost need to run away from everything in the world.

All the clowns

To be honest I don't have just one trickster or clown in my life. All the friends I have keep me balanced in life. Although sometimes life gets hard I always have a friend who understands that situation the most

Help from Above

God is a major force in my life. Although I don't really claim a religion I believe that god is the reason I live breathe and  enjoy the life he has given me. He is a divine force that is present in all of our lives even if its not visible to all of us. 

I Stand for All of You

I believe that when success catches up with my fast paced life I will be an inspiration to all. I will stand for everyone that didn't grow up in a completely stable home, those who struggle to get by, those who are discriminated against no matter what skin tone or ethnicity. I want children to look up at me and not see a wealthy black man but a idol. An idol that isn't just a boring business man but a man with character and an action of life and actual realization of the true values of life.

My Loyal Band of Friends

My friends are an important part of my life. Without most of them(well all of them I guess) I would be very dull and boring. This is because my friends keep me grounded, they help me through difficult situations that I would rather not go though the pain of talking about with parents. They are my shoulders to lean on when I am down and I am theirs when they need it. 

The Struggle to Get What I Need

I struggle deeply to get all that I need and while on the subject the things I want to. I have needed for the longest for my mom to realize that I am growing up. I need a little more space to make a couple of decisions on my own.

The Pain Never Ends

I have to say I have only had one loss in my life that has stuck with me. My ex-girlfriend broke up with me and I can't seem to keep my mind off of her. She was the first girl that I can say I ever truly  loved. The pain that the situation brought has barely left. It's as if no matter what I do she is always a point of pain to me now.